Rally-Obedience-Seminar: 11/2014
Today we went to the Rally-Obedience seminar. The cozy great hall made us quickly forget the gray November weather. Just in few minutes, the enthusiasm for this great sport jumped inevitable over from our trainer Manuela Wichmann to us. With her happy and open manner, and simple and clear explanation, also the driest theory becomes exciting entertainment. And soon we were able to complete the first exercises with our four-legged friends.
Rally Obedience is a sport for everyone, no matter whether dog or human are old or young, athletic ambitious or not. Anyone can join and have fun!
Unfortunately, it was quite difficult to photograph in the hall, but I think everyone can still get an idea of how much fun we have had!
At noon we were spoiled with homemade dishes and our dogs could cheerful frolic while walking.
Manuela Wichmann has the rare gift to put herself sensitive to every person in every dog. With a fine sense she recognizes the gifts and abilities as well as the vulnerabilities and shows encouraging and motivating to everybody, how to reach one's goal without much trouble without efforts!
Finally was the possibility, for those who wanted, to try out the agility equipment or to have otherwise fun:
or simply take a nap.
Thank you Manuela Wichmann!