Fee Regulation

The membership fee is due by admission into the association and then in the following years always in January of each year. If the entry into the association is in the second half of the year (from 1. July), then only half of the membership fee for the current year is due. In the following years the full contribution is due again. All payments (except the reimbursement of travel costs for the litter control, become due in cash immediately to the Breed Warden) are to be paid by bank transfer to the association account or to the PayPal account of the association. Invoices are usually always sent by e-mail. The payments are due immediately. In case of default 10,- € reminder fee is due. Should payment not be made completely or in due time, may result in exclusion from the association or suspension of further events. The registration fees will be due together with the registration, the advertisement fee immediately together with the order. Certificate of Championship, kennels name protection and breeding license are payable per advance.


40,- €   Individual Membership                                                                                              

20,- €   Individual Membership, reduced price (pupil, person in training & student)               

50,- €   Family Membership                                                                                                  



40,- €   Kennels Name Protection (umbrella association)                                                    

25,- €   Breeding License                                                                                                     

15,- €   Pedigree                                                                                                                      

25,- €   Litter Control  (Costs stud book office)                                                                       

0,30 €  Reimbursement of travel to the breed warden per driven kilometre                            

(alternatively can be reimbursed the travel expenses for example per flight)       


The listening on the associations homepage ist free of charge. Should it have come for removal, after violatiions of the orders, then a resumption is liable to pay: 25,- €.


25,- €   Certificate of Championship (Umbrella association):                                               


Registration fee members:

30,- €   Registration fee class                                                                                                 

20,- €   Registration fee group                                                                                               

10,- €   Registration fee Junior Showmanship                                                                       


Registration fee non-members:

50,- €   Registration fee class                                                                                                 

35,- €   Registration fee group                                                                                           

20,- €   Registration fee Junior Showmanship                                                                    


Advertising prices exhibition catalogue non-members:

100,- €   full-page                                                                                                                  

  50,- €    ½ page                                                                                                                      

  25,- €    ¼ page                                                                                                                     


Advertising prices exhibition catalogue members:

  75,- €   full-page                                                                                                                   

  40,- €    ½ page                                                                                                                      

  20,- €    ¼ page                                                                                                                       


Advertisement sizes exhibition catalogue Anzeigen für Kataloge in DIN A4 format: 

1 full-page, horizontal formats, maximum sizes:                                 16 cm breit & 24 cm hoch

½ page landscape formatsmaximum sizes:                                        16 cm breit & 12 cm hoch

¼ page horizontal fromats, maximum sizes:                                          8 cm breit & 12 cm hoch

¼ page landscape formats, maximum sizes:                                        16 cm breit &  6 cm hoch

These dimensions must not be exceeded. For smaller ads, the next highest price class will automatically be calculated. If the catalog size deviates (eg DIN A5 or landscape format), the sizes will change accordingly, the prices will remain as stated above.


The selection of advertisements, sales booths and participation of non-member at events is reserved to the board.


Bank account:

Raiffeisenbank Bopfinger Bank Sechta-Ries eG

IBAN: DE19 6006 9239 0028 3220 02



The changes of the regulation were adopted on 11 november 2023 by the general meeting.

These fee regulation enter into force at 11 november 2023.






